Reinaldo Chavez
Thanks for visiting my MonaVie website!If you're tired of living paycheck-to-paycheck, knowing all your hard work is building someone ELSE'S bank account and not your own, here is a way you can change all that and finally begin working toward the kind of life and lifestyle you've always dreamed of having.My own experience has shown me that having a business of your own is by far the best way to get out of debt and gain control over your TIME and your FUTURE.I certainly wasn't in a position to invest tens of thousands of dollars into a franchise or a conventional business, and chances are, neither are you. Fortunately, starting your own home business with us in MonaVie doesn't require a lot of start-up capital. A $39 Distributor Kit and a few bottles of MonaVie can be the beginning of what could become a six-figure retirement for you within a few years!You don't need a background in business or nutrition -- we have plenty of tools and training to coach you every step of the way. If you have enthusiasm and a genuine desire to change your life, we'll make a great team! I'm looking forward to talking with you about your goals and dreams, and you can be sure I'll be committed to working with you.