Oriental Rug Cleaning Miami Beach

Oriental Rug Cleaning Miami Beach would like to welcome you to our site where our speciality is hand washing silk and wool rugs. We treat every rug cleaning job we do as an unique project because not all rugs are made the same way nor are the fibers dyed the same. This is the reasoning behind why we choose to hand wash the rugs. Our team of rug cleaning specialist have been with us for a long time. They are highly trained in their areas of speciality in the rug cleaning or restoration of rugs. Our method of rug cleaning is to have the rug returned to its soft nature when it is dried. In order to get this task done, we ensure there is no residue left in the fibers, allowing the rug to resoil quickly. We invite you to browse through our previous work and see for yourself that the photos we have are real and these are the people that will be cleaning, repairing your rugs, and answering your phone calls. We love what we do! We are a real rug cleaning plant. We do not outsource our rug cleaning and we are the rug cleaners. We are so confident that you will be happy with our service that we encourage you to call us, give us one of your rugs and let us earn your business.

Contact Us
58987 Lincoln Rd, Miami Beach, Florida, USA, 33139
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