
Eventswedo is the fastest growing wedding and event planning platform in India trusted by vendors and users alike. As a vendor search website, we bring a huge database of event service providers on board and are also working tirelessly to create tools that will simplify the task of vendor discovery, hiring, and payments.

Eventswedo brings best event photographers, venues, makeup artists, clothing brands, invitation designers, mehendi artists, bakers, DJs, jewelry designers, caterers, choreographers, and wedding planners on one platform. Here is why discovering and hiring vendors with Eventswedo is a good idea:

Powerful search: Being the leading wedding and event vendors search platform of India, we have deployed the best-in-class search functionality to simplify the task of vendor discovery.

Decision making tools: Eventswedo greatly simplifies the task of discovering vendors and shortlisting the best ones as per your taste, preferences, and budget

Amazing vendor deals: Our team collaborates with top vendors in different industries to bring the best discounts and offers for you. More savings for all!

Free resources: Eventswedo is working around the clock to create wedding guides, event blogs, and visual resources to help you plan smart and save big

Our goal is to first become the best wedding planning website in India and later dominate the global market. Keep sharing your feedback with us to help us create the strongest community of event vendors and service seekers.

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Block - B, 58, Rasoolpur Nawada, Patparganj Industrial Area, Sector 63, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India, 201016
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