Blysse Massage

Ulrika, a seasoned practitioner with seven years of experience, finds deep fulfillment in connecting with people through her work on the massage table, yoga mat, and in facilitation spaces. As a certified massage therapist, tantric teacher, and yoga instructor, Ulrika brings a profound understanding of the body's need for support. Specializing in techniques like conscious breath work, fascia release, and stretching modalities, she offers services such as Relaxation Massage, Pregnancy Massage, Hawaiian Kahuna Massage, and Tantric sessions. Ulrika combines modalities, essential oils, and relaxation techniques, ensuring a personalized experience that leaves clients feeling renewed and re-centered. Contact Ulrika at Blysse for a transformative journey toward holistic well-being.

Contact Us
Blysse Massage, c/o Medicinal Collective, 15 Bronte Rd, Bondi Junction NSW 2022, Australia, Bondi Junction, New South Wales, Australia, 2022
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