Restoration Contractors of America Inc

Restoration Contractors of America Inc provides Water and Fire Damage Restoration and Repair Services to commercial and residential establishments in North Carolina. Restoration Contractors of America’s employees begin with one main directive. Whenever possible, go the extra mile. Everyone at R.C.A. comes to work to earn a living, to support their families and to truly do the best job they can possibly do. We don’t just throw words around like integrity and satisfaction, these are fundamental components of the way we operate. We will give 110% and we will do every thing that is reasonably possible to make sure that every customer that we perform work with is happy with their decision to choose our company and that our customers are 100% satisfied. Choosing a contractor in the Charlotte area can be a hard decision to make. Most people rely heavily on the previous experience of their friends and family to make a decision on who they will allow to work on their home or business. Therefore, word-of-mouth and customer referrals are our number one source of new business. This is why Restoration Contractors of America is dedicated to providing superior service – BEFORE, DURING AND AFTER EVERY PROJECT.

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