Okey DoKey Locksmith Houston

Okey DoKey Locksmith is a total residential, safe, automotive and commercial lock-smith services in Houston Texas and contiguous area rendering 24/7 emergency locks rekey, house lockout, ignition repair, car key replacement and more on site.

Originated in 2017 with a an objective to offer top quality alteration to the world of locksmith service, we are BBB accredited ultimately bonded, insured and licensed and equipped with terrific lock crackerjack, diagnostic and safe cracking tools and furthermore key programmers and cutters to modify and change locks and keys for your home, car and business.

Our commercial locksmiths can install, replace and repair exit doors hardware, strike locks and panic bars and we can also deal with access control jobs like buzzer systems, fingerprint locks and magnetic locks.

We make fobic-keys, flip keys, transponder keys and replace smart keys for Hyundai, BMW, Isuzu, Kia, Ford, Cadillac, Lincoln, Hummer, Jeep, Volkswagen, GMC, Toyota, Oldsmobile, Pontiac, Chevrolet, Buick, Mazda, Suzuki, Chrysler, Infiniti, Dodge, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Lexus, Honda and more.

Our service area is basically in Houston but we also service Kingwood, Sugar Land, Baytown, The Woodlands, League City, Pearland, Galveston, Spring, Cypress and more.


Okey DoKey Locksmith Houston Gallery