Know Better Dog Food Ltd.

Know Better Dog Food is a human grade dry ingredient pre-mix for preparing a balanced canine diet. No grains of any kind are used. Just add meat - raw or cooked.Homemade dog food can be far superior to the typical commercial dog food that lines store shelves, and if these homemade meals are balanced, they are without question, the best food for dogs of all ages and sizes. We do not use products from rendering facilities, nor use any ingredients from large scale commercial pet food producers. Our product is always fresh and is carefully made under strict supervision using only the finest ingredients from the human food, health food, and pharmaceutical industries.

OUR PRODUCTS ARE AVAILABLE IN 4 SIZES: 12 oz/340g - makes 15 lbs of dog food including meat; 2 lb/908g - makes 40 lbs. of dog food including meat; 5 lb/2.27kg - makes 100 lbs of dog food including meat; 25 lb bucket - makes 500 lbs of dog food including meat.

Contact Us
PO Box 224, Gillies Bay, British Columbia, Canada, V0N1W0
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