Jawless Fish LLC.

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Manufacturer of sacabambaspis plush サカバンバスピス ぬいぐるみ

470-million-year-old fish Sacabambaspis goes viral in Japan, Among Us dev joins in on fun

By Amber V -2023-06-16 18:58

An extinct genus of fish from the early Paleozoic called the Sacabambaspis has recently gone viral on social media in Japan, with memes and even art and merch being made based on it. 

Sacabambaspis was a genus of jawless fish that lived in the Ordovician period. Its appearance is described as tadpole-like with an oversized head and frontally positioned eyes that resemble a car’s headlights. It’s said to have lived with its mouth forever open, sucking in scraps of food and, due to its lack of fins, is assumed to have been bad at its main activity as a fish, swimming.

But what made this cryptic fish become an endless source of memes and art among Japanese users?

Sacabambaspis initially became known to the world through a viral tweet from August 2022 shown below, which pokes fun at a poorly executed model of the Sacabambaspis from the Finnish Museum of Natural History. The Sacabambaspis is depicted with bulging eyes, flared nostrils and an uncanny triangular grin, altogether forming an unspeakable expression.

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